A stay in hospital usually means a period of time in bed. This enforced time of inactivity is often mixed with the worry and anxiety of one or more medical procedures, slowing the body down physically causing mental stress.
The majority of us enjoy a stroll in the garden. We observe colours, identify scents, feel textures and taste herbs; we walk, we sit down, and we hear birdsong. During that short stroll we have used all of our five senses. Our senses give our brain vital information to help us understand the world around us.
It is well documented that patients with access to 'green' views are discharged from hospital sooner and while in hospital they require fewer and less aggressive painkillers. They are also not as dependent on nursing staff attention. The following has been found:
recovery from operations resulted in fewer negative post-operative effects
a reductions of patients' blood pressure, muscle tension, pulse rate, and a subtle effect on their experience of pain
patients and families using hospital gardens reported positive mood changes and a reduction in stress and anxiety
stress reduction, which helps the immune system to function better, facilitates the healing process
Once a patient can relax and the body's own healing process can resume unhindered.